The GenieCoach Podcast
Helping parents preserve and nurture the innocence of a child to allow the child to fully explore their soul mission. Our mission is to touch genie souls that are already conditioned to believe they are lost in their incarnation mission while preserving and nurturing those that are fixed/unconditioned. Disclaimer: Podcasts are not medical, financial or legal advice. The Host and or Guest speakers will not be held liable for any damages or loss suffered.
Saturday Sep 03, 2022
Episode 40: Who am I? Episode with Neo, The GenieCoach
Saturday Sep 03, 2022
Saturday Sep 03, 2022
In this episode, I talk to you about my general daily schedule and my self-care routine.
It’s almost been a month since I took a leap, retired as a nurse and followed my desire of running my coaching business full-time and building Sopha.
I have always wanted time freedom and to give myself permission to see how far I can go with wealth creation.
I’m loving my life right now and the time freedom I have right now- which reminded me of something one of my coaches, Vangile Makwakwa once said, (she was quoting an author who said), “I am whoever I am at that moment.”
I am making progress in this short month in my business and have also just hired my little sister as TikTok manager for the business. She is highly talented and is one of the people who made my last event successful and marketable.
Speaking of events, there are two upcoming events to look out for and diarise:
17 September- A picnic at Naledi Farm in centurion- bring your genies
5 November- Black Tie event with your genie at Del Albert Cafe in Klerksdorp. (This will be a collaboration event and more details to follow)
To secure your spot:
Email Neo:
Whatsapp: 0784308172
Notable quote in this episode:
“The more I allow my inner child (to) come out and play, the more I'm able to connect with my two genies and any other genie that I am holding space for.”
I hope you enjoyed listening to this episode. See you at the upcoming events!
Saturday Aug 20, 2022
Episode 39: The genie-spot segment with Onalerona
Saturday Aug 20, 2022
Saturday Aug 20, 2022
Welcome to another Genie Spot segment. This episode was recorded during our first-ever Maths Genie picnic cohort.
We've since had another picnic since this episode was recorded and more picnics are on the vision plane.
In this episode, we talk to Onalerona Kganaga who attended the picnic and shares with us the breathwork technique he learned at the Maths picnic.
Ona shares his love for Mine Craft, (a similar passion shared by Neo Moloto in Episode 31) because he can build stuff and play with his family and friends.
Ona gives his adorable perspective on other things and it's always a pleasure to introduce you to the genies.
I hope you enjoy listening to this episode.
Saturday Aug 06, 2022
Episode 38: Genies and pleasure with Vangile
Saturday Aug 06, 2022
Saturday Aug 06, 2022
In this episode, we sit down with Vangile Makwakwa who we featured in episode 15. Vangile is the host’s Money Coach and the person who contributed immensely to the birth/vision of the GenieCoach and Sopha.
This episode goes live on the day that the genie picnic is taking place and reflects a new journey for the GenieCoach as she mentioned that she finally retired from nursing to pursue a full-time coaching business after 11 years of working in corporate.
Vangile describes herself as a traveller and has lived in over 10 different countries. She is an innovator, a foodie, does yoga and is the founder of Wealthy Money, a space for healing intergenerational trauma. She is also the host of two successful podcasts, The Money Magic Podcast and the Property Magicians Podcast.
She runs an academy with various courses for healing financial trauma, has authored two books, recently released a journal and her blog is a generous space of free information about money healing and generational trauma.
She also holds an MBA from the Simmons School of Management in Boston, MA, which was one of the catalysts for Wealthy Money to start.
Vangile describes how, when we are in survival mode, pleasure isn't promoted, however, pleasure is intricate to our survival. "In our society, we conflate numbing out with pleasure."
She also interestingly equates being held in the company of other women as a part of pleasure, even being cuddled by a friend, cuddling and hugging your children.
She adds that what babies love is probably what you as a full-grown human being requires.
This episode is filled with gems from start to end, we even discuss food- Vangile is vegan, and she has instituted a 'pleasure practice' for herself, so do listen in.
"I started tapping into my own expansion... and then money started showing up for me in the same way."
Vangile's extensive knowledge of the nervous system, childhood trauma, and guiding and validating genies comes through greatly in this episode.
To connect with Vangile:
Public Facebook group:
Personal Facebook page (follow):
Saturday Jul 23, 2022
Episode 37: Glamom (Glamourous grandmom) with Pumla
Saturday Jul 23, 2022
Saturday Jul 23, 2022
In today's exciting episode, Pumla Bolani, the owner of Abundance Natural Health ZA, joins us as our guest to discuss health, youthfulness and of course, being a glamourous grandmother.
Pumla was born and bred in KZN and is an educator by profession, who has also worked in many industries and has even owned her recruitment company- until the recession hit.
It took the recession and a reminder from God for her to remember her 'calling' in natural healing. She started by studying Ayurveda in India, Thai massage and acupuncture and she still continues to invest greatly in her knowledge of natural healing.
We have a yummy discussion about her natural healing methods and even discuss the importance of chewing your food!
Pumla defines motherhood as a perpetual school where you are constantly learning what your child needs, and that the ego cannot be how you respond to your growing child who is challenging you to change.
We go into the topic of her 'glamourousness' as a grandmother and how she stays so young at heart! Pumla says that one of her secrets to her youthfulness is her sense of humour, the need to relax and not being so serious.
Notable quote in this episode:
"A child is joy, and when you stop seeing joy reflected on a child's face, you have to ask yourself what you are doing wrong, rather than what's wrong with the child, because a child is generally happy."
To connect with Pumla:
To book a session or a virtual consultation: WhatsApp 066 210 9948.
Abundance ZA address and office hours: 35 Orange Road, Norwood, Johannesburg. Office hours: Tuesday - Saturday, 9am- 3pm.
Saturday Jul 09, 2022
Episode 36: Genies and secrets with Casey
Saturday Jul 09, 2022
Saturday Jul 09, 2022
In this week's episode, we welcome back a guest we previously had in Episode 5 Casey Blake. If you haven't listened to it, do que it after you listen to this one. She comes back this time to talk about another crucial topic, genies and secrets...
Casey is a verified counsellor and a sexuality educator. She runs 'Tools for having "the talks"' workshops for parents, teachers and caregivers on how to have age-appropriate conversations with their children/ children in their care.
We speak about a workshop I previously attended, where Casey taught us how to collaborate with our genies by asking them what they think when they ask us questions. A lot of the time genies ask questions to check the information that they have found.
We go into sensitive topics regarding sexual assault and grooming and how it initially includes secret-keeping. Offenders groom genies to believe that if someone finds out they will be in danger, or that something bad will happen.
Casey explains the words 'surprise' and 'secret' and how we as parents can be mindful of our word choice when we talk to genies.
Casey also describes that we can model friendship for our genies (be their friends), but they cannot be our friends, as they are not there to carry us and help us grow. Children should not be our emotional support.
This is a sensitive, but vital topic for every parent.
I hope you have "the tools" to have some talks with your genies and please share this tool with other parents who may need it.
To connect with Casey:
Instagram: @toolsforhavingthetalks
Facebook: Tools for having the talks with Casey Blake
Facebook Group: Body-positive parents with Casey Blake
Saturday Jun 25, 2022
Episode 35: The Genie-Spot Segment with Machuene
Saturday Jun 25, 2022
Saturday Jun 25, 2022
This is a genie-spot segment with Machuene Chilopo.
With this segment, I Neo, have a conversation with genies and just savour the journey through these beautiful minds.
I ask questions and just enjoy the pure and essence yet in-depth realising of the existing divine logos. I invite you to open your heart and connect with your highest version as we learn about divinity and life as the source intended.
We have a chat about home school, the activities, how homeschooled children socialise and all of that. (If you want to listen more about homeschooling, here is an episode I did with a guest on the topic).
Machuene tells us about her favourite character, and you will be pleasantly surprised by her sweet reason for liking this character.
She writes a lot of poems and even reads us one of her poems called "At the Hair Salon".
I hope you enjoy this episode. Please share this episode and leave us a comment in the comments section below.
Saturday Jun 11, 2022
Episode 34: Genies and Relationship Attachments with Jo
Saturday Jun 11, 2022
Saturday Jun 11, 2022
In this episode, we sit with Jo Ntsebeza whom I've looked forward to speaking to for a long time. We explore ways in which our parental attachment style affects how we thrive in our relationships and raise our children.
Jo has been a teacher, facilitator, relationship and executive coach with over 25 years of experience in assisting people to experience profound shifts in themselves, allowing them to positively influence their relationships. Jo has found that in everything she does, underneath it, is Love and that love moves you forward.
She is a founder and director of the Love Shift Academy, Host of The Dare To Love Club and the creator of 'Fresh Start The Love Journey" which provides a virtual platform for people to learn how to 'build happiness habits' and heal from emotional pain and negative patterns so that they can experience greater fulfilment in their relationships.
Jo tells us how the fear and inadequacy in her childhood made it difficult for her to find her way in the world.
She explains that inadequacy is an experience that children can have when two things happen. Listen in to hear what those two things are.
She further goes on to say that there is no one way to parent and that children are their own beings, with their own journeys. What parents do in the early years matter the most. Lean into your children.
Quotable moment:
"Don't wait for your child to come to you for attention. Initiate that attention every single day. Put it in your diary, even if it is only 15 minutes".
Listen and share your goosebump moments from this interview, I'd love to hear from you.
To connect with Jo:
Facebook: Love Shift Live with Jo
Instagram: @LoveShiftLive
Saturday May 28, 2022
Episode 33: Rethinking parenting with Marilu
Saturday May 28, 2022
Saturday May 28, 2022
In this episode, we have another fury-azel Marilu who was in Episode 12 talking about reparenting the inner genie.
Marilu Gabba is a certified Sex, Love & Relationship coach. She mostly works with women on their relationship with themselves; self-love, self-worth, putting yourself first etc. All the inner limiting beliefs that we carry as women.
She also works with couples and thinks that couples coaching is very relevant to the topic we're discussing in this episode, as many of the couples she's working with are parents.
People come for coaching for their intimate lives and what Marilu has found, is that it usually comes down to their communication patterns as a couple.
We discuss how we can rethink parenting as people who are parenting genies growing up in a different world to the one we were raised in. Marilu gives a beautiful answer to that bringing us back to Maslow's hierarchy of needs [13:46].
The responsibility for emotional management is on the parent and it is our responsibility to know how to reparent our inner child so that they are not the ones raising our genies. Parents model emotional regulation to their children who don't yet know how to regulate their own emotions.
This episode is filled with gems for everyone and will hopefully assist you on your parenting journey.
Listen in and leave me a comment in the comments section below.
To connect with Marilu:
Instagram: @marilugabba
Facebook: Marilu Gabba
Intimacy Practice email:
Saturday May 14, 2022
Episode 32: Flying off the genie nest with Neo
Saturday May 14, 2022
Saturday May 14, 2022
In this episode Neo, the host has a solo episode about her journey towards the one year anniversary of the GenieCoach podcast!
She discusses how a series of events led to her releasing the vow of invisibility and birthing her coaching business Sopha (the school of primal healing arts).
The one on one coaching is open for registration, if you feel called to, do connect with the Genie Coach.
To keep in touch with the GenieCoach, email:
Saturday Apr 30, 2022
Episode 31: The genie-spot segment with Neo
Saturday Apr 30, 2022
Saturday Apr 30, 2022
In this episode, you are listening to Neo Marang Moloto.
With this segment, I Neo, have a conversation with genies and just savoring the journey through these beautiful minds.
I ask questions and just enjoy the pure essence yet the in-depth realization of the existing divine logos.
I invite you to open your heart and connect with your highest version as we learn about divinity and life as the source intended.
Neo talks to us about her love for video games and shares her favourite character from the show Modern Family. Stay tuned to listen to her interesting take on this character.
You'll also hear about her dog and so many other 'nuggets' in the episode.
Please leave a comment in the comments section below.